Graphic Design

Graphic Design Course Descriptions

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

The Graphic Design program prepares students to pursue careers in the field of graphic design including design, typography, interactive design, identity design, information graphics, publication design, packaging and environmental design. Graduates find work as graphic designers, art directors, interactive designers, and multimedia specialists. In addition to layout, illustration, and software skills, students learn professional production and practices.

Portfolio Review

The goal of the Graphic Design program is to prepare students for a demanding and competitive profession. Dedication to this goal means that the program must be selective in quantity in order to offer students the best quality experience we can. A student’s success in their concentration depends on a solid foundation in visual design, communication concepts, problem solving ability, and software skills. Since the experiences and backgrounds of entering students vary widely, some students need additional time at the foundation level before they are ready for their concentration courses. Because the Graphic Design program requires a specific set of skills, all students must submit a portfolio for review. Passing this review is required for admittance to the Graphic Design major and before concentration classes may be attempted.

Portfolios will be reviewed at the end of the Foundations (first) year. Transfer students who wish to start in the track classes must submit a portfolio at the scheduled portfolio review time the SPRING semester before they plan to attend. Since the number of applicants will vary each year, passing grades in Foundations year classes will not guarantee admission to the major.

Students who do not pass the portfolio review may resubmit a portfolio the following year. Students who plan on resubmitting a portfolio for review should retake some or all of the foundation courses to enhance their portfolio.

Please note that acceptance to the University does not guarantee admission to the Graphic Design major.

More information can be found at the following link:

Laptop Program

Students that are accepted into the Graphic Design program will be required to purchase (or show proof of ownership of) a qualified laptop and the required software. Current specifications can be found on the program’s website at the following link:

Policy on Attempting Courses

It is University policy that students must pass courses in their major with a minimum grade of a C. Students who make a D or less must re-take their major courses. In the Graphic Design program, students may attempt each GDSN course twice.

If, in two tries, the highest earned grade is less than a C, the student must have the permission of the GDSN faculty to continue as a major and attempt the course for a third time.

If, after faculty approval, the third attempt at the course is earns a grade less than C, the student must change majors.