J.E. and L.E. Mabee Library

The Mabee Library is proud to offer a full complement of library resources purchased from top academic/research vendors, cutting edge library services and study-friendly facilities in a wireless, student-centered environment. With the rapidly changing role of libraries, the UIW Mabee Library continues to support the growth of an electronic presence for easier access to the library by students and faculty. Many traditional print resources have been transitioned to the online environment so that students on campus as well as those enrolled in off-campus programs can have access to a large number of electronic resources and several online services 24/7.

Professional assistance with research and the use of library resources is available every day the library is open. Our new library model supports a professional librarian who is responsible for each academic area. These librarians are extremely knowledgeable of the information resources in their subject areas and will make themselves available to meet with you on campus, by phone or virtually through email (see a listing of subject specialists and their contact information on the library’s webpage – http://library.uiwtx.edu).